Welcome to the Maribyrnong Library Book Club

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Contact Maureen on 9688 0290 for more information.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Northern Lights – Phillip Pullman

I read Philip Pullman’s ‘His Dark Materials’ trilogy (of which ‘Northern Lights’ is the first book) as the books were published which was over 10 years ago now.  I remember loving the series for its intriguing multiple world setting, great characters and mostly, for the way the third novel in the trilogy brought together so many disparate plot elements in an extremely satisfying conclusion. 

However, these days, the trilogy is almost as well known for its negative portrayal of religion.  ‘His Dark Materials’ is often compared to C. S. Lewis’s ‘Chronicles of Narnia,’ a comparison Pullman does little to discourage as he has described the ‘Chronicles of Narnia’ as “religious propaganda.”

A film based on the book has been released under the title “The Golden Compass” but differs significantly from the book.  The film was criticized for downplaying the religious nature of the governing body in the world of ‘Northern Lights’ and did not include the final three chapters of the book.

‘Northern Lights’ is available as a Book Club Set.

Michael L.

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, I -loved- that trilogy! I remember being so emotionally involved in the story. Not so much the movie.
