Another book 10 years in the writing, The Night Circus is centered around Celia and Marco, two magicians who hide the magical nature of their work as exhibits in Le Cirque des Rêves or Circus of Dreams. The circus is fantastically imagined and beautifully described by Morgenstern, accounts of various tents and attractions scattered between story chapters as well as the impressions of minor characters’ visits to the circus are always welcome reading. The chapters are also broken up along the plot’s timeline. Jumps back and forwards in time are usually easy to distinguish, though I found one towards the end quite confusing.
Michael L.
As someone who is always reading, I purchased this book on a whim and am so glad that I did. While I cannot add more glowing praise for this work then has already been offered in other reviews, I did want to go on record as saying that, out of all the books I've read this year (and beyond), I consider this one of if not "the" best. Ms. Morgenstern's use of the language to describe the settings and surroundings as well as the interactions between the characters made for a highly 'visual' experience in that I found myself feeling as if I could easily 'see' all that she described. I imagine that in time, we will see this masterpiece brought to the big screen but feel that unless great care is taken, doubt that any interpetation will do it justice. To anyone who loves a great story, this is a must read